Protecting your Interest, Addressing your Needs.
Copyright © 2013-2014, Lacy Law Firm. All rights reserved.
Bayboro: 252.745.4646 | New Bern: 252.637.6400
Serving Carteret, Craven, and Pamlico County
DWI Defined
DWI Violations
In North Carolina it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration of .08g/l or greater. It is difficult to estimate how many drinks you may have that put you in violation of this law. There are many charts and calculators that you can access online to estimate blood alcohol levels but they fail to take into account things like weight, height, age, and frequency of alcohol consumption which are mitigating factors in your blood alcohol level. The best answer is not to drink and drive, but if you have we are here to help. There are many laws that the police have to comply with legally require you to submit a blood alcohol test. Some tests are not always done properly, and sometimes are done without probable cause. Steve Lacy will investigate the legitimacy and constitutionality of your incident to ensure that you are not wrongly subjected to a violation of the law. Mr. Lacy will represent your interests and protect you from being taken advantage of by the court system.


To legally set up a DWI check point the cops have to abide by certain laws and cannot arbitrarily subject you to a randomly established check point.
If you refuse to take a chemical test of your blood, breath, or urine after a proper demand from a law enforcement officer, your license is suspended immediately for 30 days, and will be suspended for an additional 12 months in the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles unless you challenge the revocation in court.
Attorney At Law
Steven E. Lacy
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